
Combining Traditional
Learning With
Practical Experience

Here at Westark Barber College, we are a full-service barbershop and do our very best to advance the art of barbering to all those who have a burning desire to be a part of this wonderful profession.

Whether you are looking for that old school feel or a new school flair, we have the know-how and infrastructure to fulfill your needs. Our dedicated and qualified educators use proven learning strategies to ensure that every student finds their path to success.

Westark Barber College
Westark Barber College

Overview of Services & Courses

We embrace a collaborative learning environment that lays down the foundation of a successful career. Our classes incorporate traditional learning styles as well as hands-on experiences. Here is a brief overview of what we offer:

  • Full-Service Barbershop
  • Haircuts (men, women and children)
  • Beards (Beard Trimming, Shaves, Straight Razor Shaves)
  • Coloring
  • Light highlighting
  • Waxing
  • Facials
  • Pretty much anything to do with barbering